



JIO phone is easy to connect to any TV, know what you do

India Mobile Congress 2017 was organized for the first time in India. Many phones were introduced in the event, but in all these Jio phone...

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India Mobile Congress 2017 was organized for the first time in India. Many phones were introduced in the event, but in all these Jio phones were the center of highlights. Also, the special thing about this invite was that there was a way to play live video on any set via HDMI TV cable. That is, with the help of available cable you can connect a JIO phone to any TV. Since the launch of the JIO phone, many users had a question about how to do video calling from this phone and what to do to connect the phone to the TV. We have come up with a reply to your question in this news. So know how you can connect the JIO phone to the TV via cable.

First of all, you will not be given a TV cable with the Jio phone box. You will need to purchase a separate connector and cable to connect the live phone to the TV. Here you have two types of connectors that are compatible with your phone. If you have a LED TV then use the connector with the HDMI port, while CRT TV users use the connector with the RCA port. It's easy to connect to a TV. For this, you just have to plug in with the HDMI / RCA cable and connect to the phone.

After the setup is ready, you can now go to the live TV app in the JIO phone. This app supports live streams of many channels. More than 100 channels have been provided in the JIO TV app. However, in order to gain access to JIO TV, you will have to pay 309 rupees per month with which you will also get the facility of voice calls and data services. Keep in mind that the channels being displayed on the TV will be streamed from the phone for which data will be used.

After all these processes, you can play any video on your JIO phone, which you want to watch on your TV. You have to use the phone's navigation button to switch between channels. Also, after you stream the TV channel from the phone, you can use it for other tasks such as opening an app, sending a message or making a call. However, its cable is not so long that you can operate it over a distance from the TV and operate it.



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The Technoverse: JIO phone is easy to connect to any TV, know what you do
JIO phone is easy to connect to any TV, know what you do
The Technoverse
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