



Moto Z2 Play in Lunar Gray colour 4GB RAM, 64GB storage spotted on TENNA

By now, we already know that Motorola is working on Moto Z2, Z2 Play and Z2 Force. Although the company didn't confirm the making ...

By now, we already know that Motorola is working on Moto Z2, Z2 Play and Z2 Force. Although the company didn't confirm the making of the handsets, innumerous rumours flying all across the webosphere does the needful. Adding on to the rumour mill, a new leak about the Z2 Play reveals new information about the Moto Z2 Play, shows single camera set-up at the rear, unlike the Moto Z2 Force.

If the rumours are to be believed, Moto Z2 Play and Z2 Force are expected to be quite similar in terms of both design and specs. However, on that note, Moto Z2 may differ a bit. Ahead of the official launch, Z2 phones have been subjected to several leaks. Amidst all of that, Moto Z2 Play has been reportedly spotted on TENNA. This somewhat indicates that the launch date is almost approaching. However, the company is yet to confirm on the same.

The TENNA listing reveals a lot about the upcoming Moto Z2 Play. It shows the Motorola phone will come packed with a single rear camera sensor, on top of which will be a dual-LED flash module. The listing comes along with images of the Z2 Play, which shows single camera set. To recall, leaked images of the Moto Z2 Force shows the coming of dual rear cameras. That being said, on the optics front, both the Z series phone may differ.

The images that appear on TENNA show both rear and front of the Z2 Play.  Also, give little glimpses of both right and left edges of the device as well. It shows that the power and volume buttons on the phone will be placed on the right edges, while the left side will have no buttons at all.

Furthermore, on TENAA, Moto Z2 Play appears with a model number of XT1710-08. It further shows that the device will come with TD-LTE support. In terms of the specifications, the TENNA listing shows Moto Z2 Play to come packed with 64GB of internal storage, which can be reportedly expanded via a microSD card. The device is also expected to feature 4GB of RAM, run on a CPU that clocks at a 2.2GHz frequency, however no details about the processor that will power the upcoming phone.

The listing further shows that the smartphone will run on the latest Android 7.1.1 Nougat, while on the camera front the device will come packed with a 12-megapixel camera on the rear, and 5-megapixel front facing camera sensors. Display wise, the devices is listed to come with a 5.5-inch full HD display with a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080. Furthermore, the upcoming Moto Z2 Play is also said to come with 2820mAh battery set up.

The leaked image further shows the Moto Z2 Play in Lunar Gray color. However, after the device is officially launched, the company may bring a lot more colour options.

  • [tab]
      • Display - 5.5 Inch
        Processor - 2.2GHz Quad Core
        Resolution - 1080x1920 Pixels
        RAM - 4GB
        ROM - 64GB
        Rear Camera - 12MP
        Front Camera - 5MP
        OS - Android 7.1.1 Nougat
        Battery - 2820mAh
    • MORE
      • MORE



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The Technoverse: Moto Z2 Play in Lunar Gray colour 4GB RAM, 64GB storage spotted on TENNA
Moto Z2 Play in Lunar Gray colour 4GB RAM, 64GB storage spotted on TENNA
The Technoverse
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